Who can join?
All students of Mediterranean antiquity who are interested in promoting the study of women, gender, sexuality, and the family in the ancient world, and/or who are concerned about the position of women or historically underrepresented groups in the profession, are invited to become members of the WCC.
Our membership includes educators (K-12, college), students, independent scholars, and fans of the ancient world. We welcome people of all genders!

Already a member? Access the Member Portal here.
Membership Fees
All membership fees go towards supporting our mission and members, particularly through our equity funds. One-year memberships are valid for one year beginning from the date of enrollment. Lifetime memberships never expire. Dues are payable in US dollars only (see special instructions for British and Canadian members).
K-12/Contingent Faculty
Salary up to $29,999
$250,000 and above
Lifetime Member
Terms and Conditions of Membership: The WCC seeks to cultivate a community of scholars in which all members are entitled to a supportive and professional environment. All members agree to abide by a code of conduct which promotes this aim. Failure to abide by this code of conduct, in the form of any behavior that contributes to a hostile, intimidating, and/or unwelcoming environment (including, but not limited to, stalking, solicitation, bullying, hostility, or abuse based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender expression, gender identity, institutional affiliation, marital status, immigration status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, military status, ancestry, or any other category) may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of membership, to be adjudicated on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Steering Committee.

Benefits of Membership
Mentoring Program
Looking for advice on combining a career and family? Thinking of a job outside academia? Just looking for some advice from someone who isn’t your adviser? The WCC can match you up with a mentor!
The Equity Fund provides applicants with financial assistance for caregiving, legal issues and leave support. The Travel Fund provides financial assistance for attendance at professional conferences.
The WCC sponsors a panel at the SCS/AIA every year on a topic relating to the study of women in antiquity and/or feminist approaches to all aspects of classical civilization. Our panels afford an opportunity to share the fruits of our scholarship and to explore new strategies for effecting a more balanced partnership between the sexes in the academic world.
The WCC’s members-only listserv is an excellent resource for job-listings, calls for papers, conferences, and other news in the world of Classics. If you want to post an announcement, send it to Melissa Funke at (no attachments please!).
The WCC provides excellent opportunities to meet other like-minded people. Connect with them and us on social media!
Cloelia Newsletter
The WCC’s online publication, Cloelia, is a forum for pedagogical and professional advice, and an important way to keep informed about the issues facing women in Classics.
Parties @ SCS/AIA
The WCC and the LCC co-host a reception and a happy hour for graduate students at the SCS/AIA annual meeting. Check out the WCC’s Events Page for news about the next reception and other exciting events!
Have a question or need help with your membership?
Email the Membership Director at