WCC Steering Committee Elections

Join the WCC Steering Committee!
(4-year position)

The most crucial responsibility of a Steering Committee member is to participate in providing the vision and leadership that will keep the WCC growing, vital, and activist.


The Women’s Classical Caucus (WCC) conducts elections annually to admit new voting members to the Steering Committee (SC), the governing body of the WCC, which sets the vision and manages the operations of this nonprofit organization. Under the WCC bylaws, candidates run for positions with specific roles related to supporting key functions and the smooth running of the organization. The duties for new SC members will start in the specific areas and expand throughout their four-year term, culminating in the role of co-chair.

Available Positions

The WCC is looking to add two additional members to the WCC Steering Committee, a Mentorship Program Coordinator and Events Coordinator, who can assist the mentorship team and events team in their activities. Newly elected members will spend the first year shadowing in these areas and assisting in the facilitation of our mentoring initiatives or the administration of our events. If you are interested in running for a position but do not envision yourself assisting in these two areas, there is flexibility in the Steering Committee roles and tasks. We intend to maximize the strengths of newly elected committee members in a way that meets their preferences and the mission of the WCC.

To read more about the WCC Mentorship Program, click here

To read more about WCC Events, click here

Nominations should be sent to the Elections and Nominations Officer, Caitlin Hines, at wccelectionsofficer@gmail.com by March 17. Please include the name(s) and email address(es) of your nominee(s). You are welcome to self-nominate, and/or to nominate multiple people! After March 17, an announcement will be sent out with information about the candidates and voting instructions for WCC members.

Note: You may wish to check with the person you plan to nominate about their willingness to have their name put forward; we do emphasize that all nominees are welcome to decline the nomination with no questions asked.


  • Be a member in good standing.

  • Commit to maintaining your membership for the duration of your term.

  • Be a member of the WCC for at least one year OR have served in a WCC leadership position in the previous year OR have the approval of the Executive Committee, based on previous, documented service to the WCC.

    If you are not sure of your membership status, or have any questions about your eligibility, please contact our Membership Director.


Nominations should be sent to the Elections & Nominations Officer by March 17 . At that point, an announcement will be sent out with information about the candidates and voting instructions for WCC members. Nominations are open, so everyone who self-nominates, or who is nominated and agrees to run, will appear on the ballot.

Winners will be announced by May 12. They will then go through orientation and training during an “overlap period” with outgoing Steering Committee members from May 12-June 30. The new terms officially start on July 1.

What does a position on the Steering Committee entail?

  • Elected members commit to serving for four (4) years. In general, a newly elected SC member can expect the following to be the focus in each year of service:

    * Year 1: TRAIN. Newly elected SC members assist current channel leaders and learn the systems and processes for WCC operations. They will increase responsibilities throughout the year.
    * Year 2: LEAD. In their second year, SC members will take over full responsibility for the area they trained in during their first year on the SC and/or take over additional areas. This is the most likely year they can become a member of the Executive Committee by taking on one of the channels designated as belonging to the Executive Committee.
    * Year 3: LEAD / MAINTAIN. In the third year, SC members can add or switch responsibilities for areas so they become familiar with other processes. This is also a year when the SC member could take on the role of co-chair
    * Year 4: TRANSITION. In their final year, the SC members can serve as co-chair OR advise the new co-chairs and begin to transition all duties to other SC members and designated associates.

  • Newly elected members are expected to take on the responsibilities of the roles into which they were elected and to take on other responsibilities, particularly those of the Executive Committee, during the duration of their time on the Steering Committee.

  • Each elected Steering Committee member should expect to serve as co-chair for at least one year, usually in the third or fourth year.

  • After the four-year period as a voting member of the SC, former SC members can serve on the SC in an advisory, non-voting capacity, at the request of the currently serving Executive Committee. These are short-term positions, lasting no longer than one year, but can be renewed by vote of the Executive Committee.


Contact the WCC Elections & Nominations Officer, Caitlin Hines

Do you want to serve the WCC in a leadership position without committing to a 4-year term? View the list of available 1-year positions here.