Funds and Support
The Women’s Classical Caucus strives to advance the goals of equity and diversity within the profession of Classics through advocacy initiatives and grants that support women, people of color, people with disabilities, and contingent faculty.
We invite donations so we can continue to offer them to members who need financial help for opportunities that will help them pursue their goals and connect with others in the field. To donate, please click on the “donate” button below or at the top of this page next to the navigation bar.
Equity Fund
The WCC Equity Fund is a microgrant fund providing financial assistance to individuals who are WCC members so they might succeed in the field of Classics through professional engagement with other members of the field. This fund is intended to provide support for many needs, including (but not limited to) the following:
Childcare/caregiver support at or during the SCS/AIA annual meeting
Financial support for a legal consultation, if you think your rights have been violated
Assistance with providing accommodations at professional conferences (guides, transportation, etc.) for members with disabilities
Parental, family care, or medical leave support
Professional Development support
The WCC Equity Fund is supported by WCC’s operating budget, which comes directly from membership dues and donations. We have a limited amount of funds, and we attempt to distribute these funds as equitably as possible based on need, amount, and timeframe. We ask that any applicant also pursue other avenues of support and indicate these along with a detailed budget in their application.
Any individual requesting grant support must be a WCC member in good standing when they apply and for the year in which they are requesting the funds. The funds must be for use by the individual applying (i.e., not for or on behalf of a group or organization).
Applicants must give an explanation of need, describe how the funds will be spent, list other potential avenues for support, and provide a detailed budget. (N.B. Applicant can include a comprehensive list in this form or email a line-item budget to
Membership Fund
The Membership Fund is designed to offset the cost of annual membership to potential members experiencing hardships or who are otherwise unable to pay membership dues.
Applicants must currently be active scholars or graduate students who study the ancient Mediterranean world.
Awards from this fund can be applied to any of the one-year memberships. Awards from this fund will be disbursed on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to those with the greatest need.
Hardship Fund
The Hardship Fund supports US-based classicists, at any stage of the profession, in need of financial support for an emergency that is not a professional expenditure. Applicants do not have to be current members of the SCS or WCC but do need to be currently active scholars, teachers, or students who study the ancient Mediterranean world.
The application form will be available soon (after we have reached our minimum fundraising goal).