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WCC Virtual Conference: Embodying Women’s Colonial Experiences

WCC Virtual Conference: Embodying Women’s Colonial Experiences

Friday, February 28, 2025, 8:30AM-4:00PM EST

Organized by Savannah Sather Marquardt and Maddalena Scarperi

This virtual conference seeks investigations of the woman’s body (broadly defined) and embodied experiences of womanhood in ancient Mediterranean colonial, middle ground, and hybrid spaces where what it meant to be ‘woman,’ ‘man’, ‘Greek,’ 'Roman,' or 'barbarian' was subject to constant, creative negotiation and redefinition.

How did ancient (“indigenous”) women challenge naturalized Greco-Roman notions of the feminine body and re-shape the articulations of womanhood? How has the role of women in colonial contexts been represented, silenced, erased or marginalized in the extant evidence and in modern scholarship? How and under which conditions can the bod(il)y (of) experiences of these women be recovered, reassembled, or re-membered?

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